Tier 1 Integrity
312 Richey St.
Pasadena, TX 77506
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Advanced Services Technician
Advanced Services Technician
Tier 1 Integrity is currently recruiting Advanced UT Technicians with Phased Array certification along with experience utilizing automated corrosion mapping systems and TOFD.
- Certification as a Level II PAUT technician in accordance with ASNT-TC-1A
- Demonstrated experience operating advanced UT equipment and analyzing results
- Proficient in interpreting codes and standards, such as ASME and AWS
- Excellent attention to detail and ability to produce accurate reports
- PAUT certification and at least one third party certification ( QUTE,QUPA, ISQ)
- 5+ years experience in NDE
- 2+ years with Phased Array / Automated UT
- TOFD experience a plus